Reputable Member
Registrato: Nov 11, 2018
Last seen: Ott 12, 2024
Discussioni: 5 / Risposte: 237
Answer to: Multiple selection in edition mode

@armando Unfortunately, neither GG or I could come up with a way to currently do this. I have logged a ticket to possibly provide this capability i...

4 anni fa
RE: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

@terje OK, I see it; not sure when it will get looked at.  But you have a workaround to keep you going.   Thanks for reporting and do...

4 anni fa
RE: Mirror/Flip a clip

@stefan2140 Drag a plugin from the Video Effects in the Resources window to the timeline and enable the "Show Controls" icon. Rotate - is the most...

4 anni fa
RE: Cinelerra in Opensuse Tumbleweed ?

@mandragore59va For a few months now, we have created a Tumbleweed release of CinelerraGG. However, it has become untenable and unless there are se...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Access to Portable drives (USB automounted disks)

@terje What you did "should" have worked and you do not have to go down 1 directory at a time but do not put a file name on that line and you should...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Access to Portable drives (USB automounted disks)

@terje I don't know much about using USB's, but looking at your screenshot, it looks like on the top of the Load menu, you have the usual directory ...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

@terje Does CinGG/ffmpeg really auto-detect the input stream or format, so that no setting beyond the profile selection is needed? And does the en...

4 anni fa
RE: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

@terje how to do this profile change. Can you attach a screenshot of this detail? In your previous attached png - CinGG-FFMPEG_yuv422p10le.png...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@DeJay I ask again, is that how it arrived in your inbox? Yes, that is how it arrived. I downloaded it again just now to make sure. But that...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

@terje Other CinGG required settings to take care of PAL SD 576i50 and HDV 1080i50? OK, I looked at the next note from the white paper. Just chan...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

The CinelerraGG pro possibilities are documented in the pro render choice as: mov prores# ProRes, encoder prores_aw. Container Apple QuickTime movie...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

Second pro rendered file.  cin_pro_render.png

4 anni fa
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@DeJay which means I didn't manage to send you a good original to work from after all Resending screen capture because what you saw in blow_up...

4 anni fa
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@DeJay Second "blow-up" png.  blow_up.png

4 anni fa
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@DeJay Unfortunately, we still can not see any problem after 2 more days of testing and even using the file you provided. All we s...

4 anni fa
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