Last seen: 10月 31, 2021
Thanks for the DNxHR_HQX tip, I'll try that next, on Manjaro. I found there are considerable differences in memory usage if the hwaccel settings mat...
I did some more structured testing, because I wondered if settings might have an effect. And indeed they do. Same testing environment as before, Mint ...
1. I don't have that DNxHR_HQX file format. Could you tell me how to transcode into that format? Maybe the large memory increase is because of this sp...
A native static built from the current git 20210308 on Mint 19.3 gave no errors, and pretty much the same memory usage as the 2020-10 git: 2.8 GiB +...
I have done some simple testing with various CinGG releases. Determining the actual memory usage under Linux is difficult, I settled on Fol...
@DeJay, Files up to 2G can be sent using the free version of WeTransfer.
@lfom, When I made a title-only video, I created (with Gimp) a transparent image of the desired format (HD in my case). This image I used to create ...
@avlinux Is it possible to upgrade an existing install? E.g. Mint allows this, I did not find such an upgrade feature so far in AVLinux.
I installed Pop!_OS in a Vbox VM, 2 CPUs, 4G ram, 16M video ram. After updates, installed the 2020-03 single user tar for Ubuntu 19. It started fine, ...
Just an idea: your video ram is part of the system ram. Is there maybe a bios option that limits the amount of video ram that can be used? If so, have...
@lfom, some more questions: 1. Is your problem mainly scrolling the timeline vertically, or also horizontally? 2. inxi shows your are using the In...
@lfom Yes that was me at itsfoss . I wonder where the time is spent at your machine. The inxi output looks OK. You're using Gnome, is there a smal...
@phyllissmith Maybe you can make a computer temporarily slow? If the BIOS allows you to turn off cores, and you reduce it to one, then maybe the eff...
You might want to post here the output of "inxi -F"
My name need not be in there as author, I'm fine with Phyllis