Last seen: Apr 7, 2020
Pull request: With main focus on revised listings and the title page. Please have a look at this, changes can still be made. listings.diff_.7z
Proposal for the restructuring of the listing. lstset-draft.pdf
@andreapaz No problem, but then you'll have to live with the settings I made.
Pull request: Color style is set. Font size normalized and type area set back to that of memoir. images/ from the path of includegraphics removed. Min...
"Cinelerra-GG" and "Cinelerra-GG Infinity" as wordmark. Wordmark.diff_.7z
#+BEGIN_QUOTE @andreapazEverything's OK except for the "\paragraph{}" titles that have gotten too big. (example in chapter 2, 2.2.5 Mask tool; Case 1 ...
@andreapaz, I'd be interested to know how you get your changes to the manual into GG's git after you've effectively abandoned your git archive?
@andreapaz I can't tell if it's the document class "memoir", see texlive-doc/latex/memoir/memman.pdf. Why not use a description?\begin{itemize}\item...
What can I say, you're answering to stuff I wrote over half a year ago. One year ago, in early March 2019, the work on the manual really started. That...
I have changed the tables in the file Shortcuts. The dimensions are flexible and adapt to the type area. The text is left-aligned and loosened up and ...
Not as elegant as with KOMA but it works. Hth Coversheetdiff.txt
Don't mention it. You could have written that this is a video tutorial, but it makes no difference to for example commercials. As far as I know, the s...
Let me try to give a universal answer. First place the sound on the track and align it left-aligned. Then find the noise peak of the clapperboard (or ...
@SamOf course you can wish for that, there is no doubt about that at all. However, the large number of bugs and suggestions for improvement that I hav...
You mean people like Andrea, you and me? Our names at least are not to be found among the programmers of GG’s Cinelerra. Again to explain, I have pres...