View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000140Cinelerra-GG[All Projects] Bugpublic2019-02-18 23:12
ReporterPierre Assigned ToPhyllisSmith  
Status closedResolutionnot fixable 
Platformi7-3770k, 32GB(ram), GTX-750TiOSLinux Mint MateOS Version18.3
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000140: No sound possible with the Jog
DescriptionThe Jog does not allow you to hear the sound when you press the Shift key, while it is possible, with the "4" and "1" keys.
TagsNo tags attached.




2019-02-18 23:12

manager   ~0000947

Sam is always using the Projector and Camera and looking for shortcuts - just added Shift-F11 and Shift-F12 in that regards. These F keys are really hard to reach on the top row of the keyboard and we have run out of key combinations to use just about everywhere so I agree that keeping some Shuttle keys available for new functionality (like going to the next white space in the Viewer for Inter-View mode) is a much better idea.


2019-02-18 22:53

updater   ~0000946

If these buttons don't allow to activate the sound with the Jog... I don't think they will be so useful; they can also be accessed through the keyboard and it remains a function that is not often used.

We will find more useful for these buttons....

I don't often use camera-projection effects, but I wouldn't be surprised if we could find shortcuts there that would be useful on the Shuttle.


2019-02-18 22:26

manager   ~0000945

The Shuttle is not nearly as smart as that. It does not know anything about the keyboard - just like the mouse, another hid (Human Interface Device), it does not know that the Shift key is held down.

A good use for more keys on the shuttle would be to define the 1 and 4 with the Shift key added. This works:
    K2 Shift-XK_KP_4
    K3 Shift-XK_KP_1

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-02-18 21:14 Pierre New Issue
2019-02-18 22:24 PhyllisSmith Assigned To => PhyllisSmith
2019-02-18 22:24 PhyllisSmith Status new => assigned
2019-02-18 22:26 PhyllisSmith Note Added: 0000945
2019-02-18 22:28 PhyllisSmith Status assigned => acknowledged
2019-02-18 22:53 Pierre Note Added: 0000946
2019-02-18 23:12 PhyllisSmith Status acknowledged => closed
2019-02-18 23:12 PhyllisSmith Resolution open => not fixable
2019-02-18 23:12 PhyllisSmith Note Added: 0000947