Can not move select...
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Can not move selected clips in the timeline

8 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
2,840 Ansichten


I have multiple clips (with effects) in a number of tracks and I want to move them to a later point in time. I am following this documentation :

So, I managed to select my clips and group them, they are now displayed with a green border. Now I am trying to move them to the right in the timeline by holding LMB and dragging, but the color changes to orange, which according to the documentation means "tracks do not match".

How is this possible? I am not moving anything up or down, so all clips stay in their original tracks, I only want them to show at a later point in time, so I move them strictly to the right. How can they "not match" anymore?

What am I doing wrong?


EDIT: I think I know why it says, that they do not match, but I have no idea why this is happening.

My tracks from bottom to top are:

Audio 1

Audio 2

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3


Audio 1, Video 2 and 3 are armed, clips are selected and grouped (shown green). Audio 2 and Video 1 are locked/unarmed and need to stay where they are.

As soon as I start moving the selection shrinks vertically, closing the gap of the unarmed tracks, so basically Audio 1 jumps to the position of where Video 1 is - which of course is a mismatch. My expectation was that the clips I grouped stay in their respective tracks. Why is this happening?


EDIT 2: if I omit Audio 1 from the group so that there is no "gap", then of course Audio 1 does not jump onto Video 1 and I can move  Video 2 and Video 3 as expected.


Kind regards,


8 Antworten

The group must be on contiguos video/audio tracks to move. The Video_3, Video_2 and Audio_1 are not. It is a safety condition.
Or you must use your EDIT 2 solution.


Hmm, OK, so what is the correct way to move a number of selected clips that are randomly spread around various tracks? Or are you saying that this is not possible by design?

My "EDIT 2" was not a solution, but a finding, for my project I still need to move the clip which was in "Audio 1" together with the others, so that they all stay in sync. I didn't do it in "EDIT 2" only for the sake of getting an understanding what Cinelerra was complaining about and for testing my theory...


It is hard understand what you are seeing and what you want exactly to do. A screencast would help.
Each case may have a different solution.
For your case I would temporarily move the Audio_1 track under Video_2 track, so Video_3, Video_2 and Audio_1 tracks are contiguous.
To move the track(s) up or down, look at "Timeline: Re-arrange the tracks' order" to

Or are you saying that this is not possible by design?

Repeat, It is a safety condition. More or less, it is needed for the Gang mode feature ( )



Mmh, after some tests here with and without GANG MODE,... what I thought was a feature might be a bug. Sorry @Jin.



"so what is the correct way to move a number of selected clips that are randomly spread around various tracks?"

Sorry it took me awhile to remember how to do all this but I found a way.

Your initial statement/edit SHOULD WORK (it did for me) as long as you do NOT disarm the track that you do not want to move.  When you disarm the track that you do not want to move, the program treats it differently. Here are the steps I used successfully:

1) select ONLY the edits you want to move together

2) make this set a group - these edits can be anywhere on any tracks

3) DO NOT DISARM any tracks - that is do not have any edits in tracks that you do not want to change as part of the group. 

4) now you can drag the group as a single entity and nothing will jump up or down and it will automatically ignore any tracks with edits that are not selected.

5) remember to disarm tracks that you had disarmed before if you had them that way for another reason


"after some tests here with and without GANG MODE,... what I thought was a feature might be a bug"

I will have to see if I can reproduce this.


Hi @phylsmith2004

you gave me an important hint: the arming! To be honest I still need to read up on arming/disarming so that I know what exactly it does and when to use it.

I had the tracks that I did not want to become part of the selection "locked", I guess this is the "disarmed" state? Then after creating my group and before moving I should have unlocked them again, but I didn't, and this caused the problem that I described in my first post.

If I unlock all tracks, then I can move my selection as expected, no matter if the selection has track-gaps or not.

@IgorBeg thank you for the pointer on rearranging track order, but in this scenario it was important to be able to move any selection along the timeline, keeping the clips in their respective tracks without modifying the track order, and now I know how to do it.

Please let me know if you still want me to do a screencast that shows the problem I had in my original post, I understand that you suspect there may be a bug involved.


Thanks to both of you for your support!


Kind regards,




Jin wrote:
Please let me know if you still want me to do a screencast that shows the problem I had in my original post

No, thanks! Next time, if needed.

From your initial post I thought you wanted to keep the group as it was, with the edits on all the tracks, and then move part of the group on only the armed tracks.

Phylsmith wrote:
I will have to see if I can reproduce this.


Posted by: @igorbeg

From your initial post I thought you wanted to keep the group as it was, with the edits on all the tracks, and then move part of the group on only the armed tracks.

Almost, tracks that were "locked" were not part of my selection/group, so I did not expect them to have any influence at all, from my perspective they were not involved in what I was trying to modify. I'll do a screencast or post screenshots next time I have a question like this, I now understand that there are a lot of nuances which I as a newbie am not even aware of when looking at the Cinelerra screen.
