Blu-ray Workaround for Mount/Umount

Creating BD images to be written to media requires usage of mount and umount which typically can only be done by the root user due to security. If you want to avoid running CINELERRA-GG as root, you can implement a workaround by adding a line in /etc/fstab (must be root to edit the file initially) and by creating a directory in your home area, called bluray. You only have to do this once unless you upgrade the Operating System and it wipes out the line in /etc/fstab. Now the CINELERRA-GG program will automatically do the mount and umount for you each time you execute BD Render and you can run as an ordinary user.

The line to add to /etc/fstab will look something like the following, assuming your username is name and your groupid may be users or name. If you do an ls -l in your home directory, the 3rd and 4th fields shown will be your uid or name and gid or groupid which you must substitute in the line below.

/home/name/image  /home/name/bluray  udf noauto,loop,rw,user,uid=name,gid=groupid 0 0

Also, be sure to do a mkdir bluray in your /home/name directory as this is a requirement (owned by you; uid=gid=name). When the actual image to be written to disc media is created, it will first d any current /home/name/image file. Warning – make sure you do not already have a file called image that you want to save as it will be automatically deleted every time you initiate a BD Render. So you will want to burn a bluray disc after CINELERRA-GG creates the image since it will written over on the next rendition. The actual writing to your bluray burner (something like /dev/sr0) is done outside of CINELERRA-GG at a terminal prompt and requires root privilege usually. You can either use sudo for 1 line or create user wheel group to get around this.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021