In addition to compiling your own CINELERRA-GG, you should also build an html version of the manual that is needed for Context Help in the program. The main version of the manual is in latex to produce a pdf version of the manual and this is required to be built first as the basis for the html version. This means that you need a full latex environment, git, and the latex2html program in order to eventually create the html version. Texlive is about 1 GB; Latex2html itself has many requirements and missing any will result in failure: some requirments include Netpbm, GhostScript, dvips, etc. Latex2html must be at least version 2021.2 in order to create the html manual version from the latex.
The steps are as follows:
git clone git:// master |
./translate_manual |
The steps that this script performs are as follows:
pdflatex CinelerraGG_Manual.tex makeindex CinelerraGG_Manual.idx pdflatex CinelerraGG_Manual.tex makeindex CinelerraGG_Manual.nlo -s -o CinelerraGG_Manual.nls pdflatex CinelerraGG_Manual.tex |
After these commands are executed you will have the manual only in PDF format. So if you only want a PDF version, you only need to run these previous 5 lines but Context Help from the program will not be available with the PDF version.
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021