
CINELERRA-GG cut and paste:

1. Text cut and paste operations

To use a text selection, create a drag selection in textboxes by pressing and holding left mouse button with the pointer over the beginning of the text selection, then move the pointer over the desired selection to the selection end, then release the mouse button. This continuously reloads the primary clipboard buffer and highlights the text selection. It can then be pasted to most programs by pressing the middle mouse button with the pointer over the text insertion point. Some examples of these programs are xterm, gnome-terminal, cinelerra, and browser input text boxes. After you create a text selection, if you then press Ctrl-C the selection will also be copied to the secondary (or clipboard) selection buffer. This second paste buffer can be used for a more lasting save effect, since it will not be lost until you again press Ctrl-C (copy). Using Ctrl-V (cut) will also copy the selection to the secondary clipboard buffer, and then delete the selection from the textbox. If you press Ctrl-V (or paste) in a target window, the secondary selection will be inserted at the target window cursor. If a text selection exists in the target window, it is replaced by the pasted text.

2. Media cut and paste operations

To create a media selection, highlight a region on the CINELERRA-GG media timeline, then use the main menubar or compositor/viewer edit panel to operate the clip cut, copy, or copy-keyframe menu buttons. This selection can then be pasted to a target selection on the timeline using the main menubar or compositor/viewer edit panel to operate the clip paste or paste-keyframe operation. Also, by using the resource window you can select the Clips folder and right mouse the resources list box, then use the Paste Clip menu item to paste the selection to a named clip. Additionally, these methods work between running instances of CINELERRA-GG, which means you can move media clips between the CINELERRA-GG program instances. The clip data is also copied to the secondary clipboard buffer. This makes it possible to examine the clip content directly if so desired.

3. The older cut_buffer method

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021