An example of how to use Find Object
The following steps were used to set up the example in figure 10.86.
Figure 10.86:
Timeline; control window and compositor for FindObj
- For best results, set Play every frame in Settings
→ Preferences
→ Playback A.
- Load 3 tracks of png/jpg files – this is one of the more useful working cases:
- 1st track should be the scene; that is the output
- 2nd track is the object to find
- 3rd track is the replacement object
- Drag the Find Object plugin onto track #1.
- On each of other 2 tracks, click the right mouse button;
choose attach effect, highlight Find Object
in the shared effect column, and click OK. All
three tracks should now have a findobj plugin effect bar. One,
(probably the first one) is the master plugin and the others
are attached input tracks.
- Check the plugin show icon on the master track to bring up the controls for the FindObj plugin. You will see that Use FLANN is checked for using nearest neighbors.
- Set Output scene, Object, and Replacement object layers’ track number accordingly (numbered from zero).
- Check Draw scene border and you will see a white border in the compositor window surrounding the whole image of the scene. This assumes default settings for Scene center X,Y(at 50%), and area W,H (100%). Adjust these however you need to via the dials or more simply by checking Drag and dragging any of the 9 drag points. As shown above this in the controls, units are in 0 - 100%.
- Turn off Play track in the patchbay on the first track so you can see track #2 in the compositor and then use the Object X,Y,W,H dials. You will see a blue-dotted line which should then be adjusted to surround the desired object. Since it can be a little tedious to use the dials, you will want to turn off the previous Drag box of track #1 and check this instead to do your dragging placement from drag points.
- Turn off Play track in the patchbay on this track #2 so that track #3 is visible and if necessary, adjust the dials/drag box in the same manner. The border will have a pink-dotted line around it.
- Turn back on all of the desired Play tracks in the patchbays.
- Set the detector choice (should have Don’t calculate set initially), for example use SIFT.
- Turn off all of the Draw borders and whichever Drag box that may still be checked.
- Check Replace object to see the replacement overlay. At this time you may still want to change the checkboxes of Aspect, Rotate, Scale, and Translate and adjust DX/DY in the Replace column.
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021