How can I link vide...
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How can I link video and audio tracks?

22 Posts
5 Users
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How can I link tracks, e.g. the video with the corresponding audio track, so that they always stay in sync when moved? And: Is there a way to make accidentally moved tracks synchronous again automatically?

15 Answers


How can I link tracks, e.g. the video with the corresponding audio track, so that they always stay in sync when moved? And: Is there a way to make accidentally moved tracks synchronous again automatically?



Sorry for the typing error.

I don't understand what you mean.
Do you want to change the order of the tracks, video and audio together?
Or change the size of a shot, video and audio together?

Michi Topic starter 15/01/2021 5:17 pm


I would like that when moving or shortening a video track in the timeline, the audio track is moved or shortened synchronously with it in the same way.



You are probably using "Drag and Drop" editing mode instead of "Cut and Paste"?  You can use "Gang" mode #3 to keep the audio always synched with the video of a video set.  BUT you really have to pay attention and know what you are doing so you should save a backup of your project and experiment first.  To get to Gang mode, click on the last icon on the toolbar (the toolbar is in the main program window where all of the moving icons are and is the last symbol right after the clapperboard icon).

Personally, I think using Cut and Paste mode is simpler for what you are doing.

Topic starter

Hallo PhyllisSmith

I have found the gang moud. The #3 makes the audio disappear. So, I suppose, it is always moved at the same time as the video. But now you can't insert effects for audio.

But if I need to move the clip on the timeline, so far I have used the "Drag and Drop" mode. How to move with the Cut and Paste mode?




Just change Gang mode back and forth as you need to - it is just another click or 2.  That is, when you need to see and work with the audio, change Gang mode to #1 position (the icon changes color and the yellow tooltip text describes the mode).


In Cut and Paste mode, hold down the left mouse button and drag the area you want to move -- this will highlight in white all video and audio tracks.  (You can disable in the patchbay any tracks you do not want to be affected).  Now use the "cut" icon on the toolbar which looks like a scissors which will cut that section and put it in the paste buffer; go to where you want to put that section and use the "paste" icon to put it there.

This post was modified 4 years ago by PhyllisSmith
Topic starter

You mean it's better to do the main work with the "Cut and Paste" mode? I'm going to practice at it.
So there is no way to chain video track with audio track?

Thank you very much for your help
Best regards




You mean it's better to do the main work with the "Cut and Paste" mode?

There are just alternative ways depending on what the user prefers.  Neither way is better.

So there is no way to chain video track with audio track?

Maybe someone has a better answer here who has been exposed to other NLEs as I only have used CinelerraGG.

This post was modified 4 years ago by PhyllisSmith
Topic starter


All not so bad. In Vegas Pro and many other programs, video and audio are linked. You have to open a lock to move them independently.
But, I'll get used to it and come to terms with how it works in CIN GG.
I'm very glad to see how you are making an effort to explain everything. Thank you.




Personally, I confirm the words of @PhyllisSmith which describes very well the possible procedures.
For my part, I prefer to use the cut and paste function to keep the audio in sync but also to avoid a shift of the other tracks that are part of the editing (video or audio effect track, music track, voice track, etc...). A shift has perverse effects that it is difficult for a beginner to discover its origin.

The most important thing in cinelerraGG before making any changes:
1) It is to activate only the tracks you want to impact by the said modification.
2) Save your project under a different name beforehand, the most efficient is that this name contains the date + version + info of the modifications made if necessary (ex 2020-16-01 master v01.xml).

Good courage and good work.

Michi Topic starter 16/01/2021 12:40 pm


How to activate only one track? Does that mean arm track, or not to arm track?


In addition to what Phyllis and fary54 said, one method that works well, but if you have a lot of edits it can get laborious, is to use nested clips:


If it may be useful, you can "link" video and audio using Group feature in "Drag and Drop mode".
Remember that the tracks must always be armed for that.
Take a look at for an old (ugly) tutorial about (or in Cinelerra-GG youtube channel and reading the Manual) to understand how is works.
Finally, take a look at to see you can use Ripple, Roll, and so on for the Group: video and audio perform the Ripple/Roll/... together.

@Michi wrote: How to activate only one track?

In Cinelerra activate track mean Arm a track. The button is in the Patchbay (in the Main window). You can use Shift+LMB (Left Mouse Button) on Arm icon (button).

Topic starter

I see, thank you. I guess the design of CIN GG has changed?


IgorBeg 17/01/2021 9:16 am


No, the design is not change. Cinelerra-GG has some themes. I use S.U.V. theme, you  are using Cakewalk theme. You can change it in MainWindow-> Settings-> Preferences-> Appearance tab, "Layout" section-> Themes.

Here a old video to show  that:

Michi Topic starter 17/01/2021 2:13 pm

Hallo @IgorBeg,

thanks for the info.
When I see your videos, I have the impression that you know a lot about CIN GG.
In the forum I have already asked how to chain video and audio track together, so that they always remain in sync, even if I move a track. I got some tips to avoid that. But I haven't discovered a method to link tracks firmly or to form a group, unfortunately. Is there really no such thing?

IgorBeg 17/01/2021 2:47 pm

@michi wrote: But I haven't discovered a method to link tracks firmly or to form a group, unfortunately.

Have you seen my previous links to and to understand how Group works, please?

Topic starter

Hallo @IgorBeg,

wonderful, have now watched your two videos. Forgive me for not doing so right away. Unfortunately my English is quite weak, but I find the videos very good. The accompaniment of the written texts is very helpful.
I understood a lot. So you can form a group. That is already very good.

How to avoid that the group is not only shown in one color, but that you can also see the video image of the track?


IgorBeg 18/01/2021 8:53 am

Hi Michi!

@Michi wrote:

How to avoid that the group is not only shown in one color, but that you can also see the video image of the track?

You can change the opacity using the slider on the bottom of the Main window, on the right side. Take a look at around 1:00. If you can see all the video is better, I think.

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