CAUTION , any exact command lines worked as of 01/2018 on a Fedora system. These can change over time and on different operating systems/levels. Always check/verify any command line before using.
apt-get install nfs-kernel-server |,fsid=1,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check) |
exportfs -ra |
systemctl restart nfs |
showmount -e <ip-addr> #using the ip address of the storage host |
mount -t nfs <ip-addr>:/<path> <path> |
{masternode}:/nfsshare /mnt nfs defaults 0 0 | /tmp nfs rw,async,hard,intr,noexec,noauto 0 0 |
Later, to remove access to the storage host filesystem:
umount <path> |
Be aware that you may have to adjust any security or firewalls you have in place. Most firewalls will require extra rules to allow nfs access. Many have built-in configurations for this.
netstat -n -l -4 --protocol inet |
/{cinelerra_pathname}/cin -d [port number] # for example: /mnt1/bin/cinelerra -d 401 |
RenderFarmClient::main_loop: client started RenderFarmClient::main_loop: Session started from |
RenderFarmClientThread::run: Session finished |
Another performance feature which can use the Render Farm is Background Rendering. This is also enabled on the Preferences → Performances tab. The background render function generates a set of image files by pre-rendering the timeline data on the fly. As the timeline is update by editing, the image data is re-rendered to a background render storage path. The Render Farm will be used for this operation if it is enabled at the same time as the background render feature.
If you want to remain within the open project in CINELERRA-GG, you can load these files by creating a new track and specifying concatenate to existing tracks in the load dialog in the correct numerical order. File types which support direct copy can be concatenated into a single file by rendering to the same file format with render farm disabled as long as the track dimensions, output dimensions, and asset dimensions are equal.
Finally if you want to use ffmpeg from terminal externally to CINELERRA-GG you can go to the directory where the rendered files are, it creates a text file list.txt containing the list of all our files:
file 'name.webm001' file 'name.webm002' ... file 'name.webm00n' |
ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy output.webm |
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021