FFmpeg Audio Plugins
The following is a list of the integrated audio plug-ins17 .
- F_abench
Benchmark part of a filtergraph.
- F_acompressor
Audio compressor.
- F_acontrast
Simple audio dynamic range
compression/expansion filter.
- F_acrusher
Reduces audio bit resolution.
- F_acue
Delay filtering to match a cue.
- F_adecorrelate
Apply decorrelation to input audio stream.
- F_adelay
Delays one or more audio channels.
- F_adenorm
Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise.
- F_adynamicequalizer
Apply dynamic equalization to input audio stream.
- F_adynamicsmooth
Apply dynamic smoothing to input audio stream.
- F_aderivative
Compute derivative of input audio.
- F_aecho
Adds echoing to the audio.
- F_aemphasis
Audio emphasis.
- F_aeval
Filters audio signal according to a
specific expression.
- F_aeexciter
Enhance high frequency part of audio.
- F_afade
Fades in/out input audio.
- F_aformat
Convert the input audio to one of he
specified formats.
- F_afreqshift
Apply frequency shifting to input audio.
- F_afwtdn
Reduce broadband noise from input samples using Wavelets.
- F_agate
Audio gate.
- F_alatency
Measure filtering latency.
- F_allpass
Applies a two-pole all-pass filter.
- F_aloop
Loops audio samples.
- F_anoisesrc
Generates a noise audio signal.
- F_aperms
Set permissions for the output audio
- F_aphaser
Adds a phasing effect to the audio.
- F_aphaseshift
Apply phase shifting to input audio.
- F_apsyclip
Apply Psychoacoustic clipper to input audio stream.
- F_arealtime
Slows down filtering to match realtime.
- F_aresample
Resamples audio data.
- F_asetrate
Change the sample rate without altering the data.
- F_aspectralstats
Display frequency domain statistical information about the audio channels. Statistics are calculated and stored as metadata for each audio channel and for each audio frame.
- F_astats
Shows time domain statistics about audio frames.
- F_asubboost
Boost subwoofer frequencies.
- F_asubcut
Cut subwoofer frequencies.
- F_asupercut
Cut super frequencies.
- F_asuperpass
Apply high order Butterworth band-pass filter.
- F_asuperstop
Apply high order Butterworth band-stop filter.
- F_atempo
Adjusts audio tempo so that when you speed up audio, it will adjust the pitch accordingly to make audio sounds more normal, but faster without being badly distorted. Its behavior is similar to what can be seen when you watch a youtube video, click the gear icon, and select a speed greater or less than 1.
- F_atilt
Apply spectral tilt filter to audio stream.
- F_atrim
Pick one continuous section from the input,
drop the rest.
- F_bandpass
Applies a two-pole Butterworth band-pass
- F_bandreject
Applies a two-pole Butterworth
band-reject filter.
- F_bass
Boosts or cuts lower frequencies.
- F_biquad
Applies a biquad IIR filter with the given
- F_chorus
Adds a chorus effect to the audio.
- F_compand
Compresses or expands audio dynamic
- F_compensationdelay
audio compensation delay line.
- F_crossfeed
Apply headphone crossfeed which blends
the left and right channels of a stereo audio recording. It is
mainly used to reduce extreme stereo separation of low frequencies
in order to produce more speaker like sound.
- F_crystalizer
Simple Expand Audio Dynamic Range
- F_dcshift
Applies a DC shift to the audio.
- F_drmeter
Measure audio dynamic range where setting
window length in seconds is used to split audio into segments of
equal length.
- F_dyaudnorm
Dynamic Audio Normalizer. When using
this plugin, be sure to attach effect to all audio tracks
by dragging the plugin to the 1st audio track and then right
mouse clicking all subsequent audio tracks which brings up an
menu. Highlight the effect shown in the middle section and click OK.
- F_earwax
Widens the stereo image. When using this
plugin, be sure to attach effect to all audio tracks by
dragging the plugin to the 1st audio track and then right mouse
clicking all subsequent audio tracks which brings up an
menu. Highlight the effect shown in the middle section and click OK.
- F_equalizer
Applies two-pole peaking equalization
(EQ) filter.
- F_extrastereo
Increases difference between stereo
audio channels. When using this plugin, be sure to attach
effect to all audio tracks by dragging the plugin to the 1st
audio track and then right mouse clicking all subsequent audio
tracks which brings up a menu. Highlight the effect shown in the
middle section and click OK.
- F_flanger
Applies a flanging effect to the audio.
- F_haas
Apply Haas Stereo Enhancer for a more
natural sounding pan effect or more clarity in the center of the
mix. With this filter applied to mono signals it gives some
directionality and stretches its stereo image.
- F_highpass
Applies a high-pass filer with 3 dB
point frequency.
- F_hilbert
Generate a Hilbert transform FIR
- F_loudnorm
EBU R128 loudness
- F_lowpass
Applies a low-pass filter with 3 dB
point frequency.
- F_mcompand
Multiband Compress or expand
audiodynamic range. The input audio is divided into bands which is
like the crossover of a loudspeaker, resulting in flat frequency
response when absent compander action.
- F_pan
Remix channels with coefficients (panning).
- F_silenceremove
Removes silence.
- F_sine
Generate sine wave audio signal.
- F_stereotools
Applies various stereo tools. When
using this plugin, be sure to attach effect to all audio
tracks by dragging the plugin to the 1st audio track and then
right mouse clicking all subsequent audio tracks which brings up an
menu. Highlight the effect shown in the middle section and click OK.
- F_stereowiden
Applies stereo widening effect. When
using this plugin, be sure to attach effect to all audio
tracks by dragging the plugin to the 1st audio track and then
right mouse clicking all subsequent audio tracks which brings up an
menu. Highlight the effect shown in the middle section and click OK.
- F_tiltshelf
Boost or cut the lower frequencies and cut or boost higher frequencies of the audio using a two-pole shelving filter with a response similar to that of a standard hi-fi’s tone-controls. This is also known as shelving equalization (EQ).
- F_treble
Boosts or cuts upper frequencies.
- F_tremolo
Applies tremolo effect.
- F_vibrato
Applies vibrato effect.
- F_virtualbass
Apply audio Virtual Bass filter.
- F_volume
Change input volume.
- F_volumedetect
Detect audio volume.
- 17
- credit to WPfilmmaker
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021