FFmpeg Video Plugins
The following is a list of the integrated video plug-ins 18 .
- F_addroi
Mark a region of interest in a video frame.
- F_amplify
Amplify changes between successive video
- F_atadenoise
Apply an Adaptive Temporal Averaging
- F_avgblur
Apply average blur filter.
- F_bbox
Compute bounding box for each frame.
- F_bench
Benchmarks part of a filtergraph.
- F_bilateral
Apply bilateral filter, spatial smoothing while preserving edges.
- F_bitplaneoise
Measure bit plane noise.
- F_blackdetect
Detect video intervals that are
(almost) black.
- F_blackframe
Detect frames that are (almost) black.
- F_blockdetect
Determines blockiness of frames without altering the input frames.
- F_blurdetect
Determines blurriness of frames without altering the input frames.
- F_boxblur
Blurs the input video. Through the settings you are able to change the power and the radius of the boxblur applied to luma, chroma and alpha.
- F_bwdif
Deinterlaces the input image.
- F_cas
Apply Contrast Adaptive Sharpen filter to video.
- F_chromakey
Turns a certain color into
transparency. Operates on YUV colors.
- F_chromanr
Reduce chrominance noise.
- F_ciescope
Video CIE scope.
- F_color
Provide an uniformly colored input.
- F_colorbalance
Adjusts the color balance.
- F_colorchannelmixer
Adjusts colors by mixing color
- F_colorchart
The colorchart source provides a colors checker chart.
- F_colorcontrast
Adjust color contrast between RGB
- F_colorcorrect
Adjust color white balance selectivity
for blacks and whites.
- F_colorkey
Turns a certain color into
transparency. Operates on RGB colors.
- F_colorlevels
Adjusts the color levels.
- F_colormatrix
Converts color matrix.
- F_colorize
Overlay a solid color on the video stream.
- F_colorspace
Converts color space.
- F_colorspectrum
Provides a color spectrum input.
- F_colortemperature
Adjust color temperature of video.
- F_cover_rect
Find and cover a user specified
- F_crop
Crops the input video.
- F_cropdetect
Auto-detect crop size.
- F_curves
Adjust components curves.
- F_datascope
Video data analysis.
- F_dblur
Apply Directional blur filter.
- F_dctdnoiz
Denoise frames using 2DDCT.
- F_deband
Debands video.
- F_deblock
Deblocks video.
- F_deflate
Applies deflate effect.
- F_deflicker
Remove temporal frame luminance
- F_dejudder
Removes judder produced by pullup.
- F_delogo
Removes logo from input video. When using
this plugin a green box will appear on the screen, once the logo is
inside the box the plugin will hide it. Through the settings you can
specify the position of the logo to hide (on a X - Yaxis) and the
size of the box (so you can adjust it to the size of the logo).
- F_deshake
Stabilizes shaky video.
- F_despill
Remove uwanted foregrond colors, caused
by reflected color of green or blue screen.
- F_dilation
Applies dilation effect.
- F_doubleweave
Weave input video fields into double
number of frames.
- F_drawbox
Draws a colored box on the input
video. Through the settings you are able to choose the position of
the box on X/Y coordinates, the size of the box, the color and the
thickness of the lines.
- F_drawgraph
Draw a graph using input video
- F_drawgrid
Draws a colored grid on the input
video. Through the settings you can select the horizontal and the
vertical offset, set the width and height of the grid cell, and the
color and thickness of the lines. When using the Presets button on
the plugin bar on the timeline, you can choose a preset of
rule_of_thirds. The Rule of Thirds is a 3×3 grid
on top of an image which is commonly used in filmmaking. The concept
is that you align the key elements in the image using this grid at
the intersection of the lines or along and within the
vertical/horizontal lines. In general the bottom and right sides of
the video will not be bordered by the grid. So for example, if you
only add the effect to the video, there will be a frame around the
video with the size of the thickness
but the frame is only visible on the top and left and not on the bottom
or left side. You can get a line to show by using a larger thickness
and specifying a negative value for x and y of -2, -3, or more.
- F_edgedetect
Detects and draws edge.
- F_elbg
Apply posterize effect, using the ELBG
- F_entropy
Measure video frames entropy.
- F_epx
Scale the input using EPX algorithm.
- F_eq
Adjusts brightness, contrast, gamma and
- F_erosion
Applies erosion effect.
- F_estdif
Apply Edge Slope Tracing deinterlace.
- F_exposure
Adjust exposure of the video stream.
- F_fade
Fade in/out input video.
- F_fftdnoiz
Denoise frames using 3DFFT.
- F_fftfilt
Apply arbitrary expressions to pixels in
frequency domain.
- F_field
Extract a field from the input video.
- F_fieldorder
Set the field order.
- F_fillborders
Fill borders of the input video.
- F_floodfill
Fill area of the same color with
another color.
- F_format
Convert the input video to one of the
specified pixel formats.
- F_framerate
Upsamples or downsamples progressive
source between specified frame rates.
- F_framestep
Select one frame every N frames.
- F_fspp
Applies Fast Simple Post-processing filter.
- F_gblur
Apply Gaussian Blur filter.
- F_gradfun
Debands video quickly using gradients.
- F_gradients
Draws a transparent gradient.
- F_graphmonitor
Show various filtergraph stats.
- F_grayworld
A color constancy filter that applies color correction based on the grayworld assumption.
- F_greyedge
Estimates scene illumination by grey
edge assumption.
- F_haldclutsrc
Provide an identity Hald CLUT.
- F_hflip
Horizontally flips the input video.
- F_histeq
Applies global color histogram
- F_histogram
Computes and draws a histogram.
- F_hqdn3d
Applies a High Quality 3D Denoiser.
- F_hqx
Scales the input by 2, 3 or 4 using the hq*x magnification algorithm.
- F_hsvhold
Turns a certain HSV range into gray values.
- F_hsvkey
Turns a certain HSV range into transparency.
- F_hue
Adjust the hue and saturation of the input video.
- F_huesaturation
Apply hue-saturation-intensity adjustments to input video stream.
- F_idet
Interlace detect Filter.
- F_il
Deinterleaves or interleaves fields.
- F_inflate
Applies inflate effect.
- F_interlace
Convert progressive video into
- F_kerndeint
Applies kernel deinterlacing to the
- F_kirsch
Apply kirsch operator.
- F_latency
Measure filtering latency.
- F_lenscorrection
Rectifies the image by correcting for lens distortion.
- F_life
Generate a life pattern.
- F_limiter
Limit pixels components to the specified
- F_loop
Loops video frames.
- F_lumakey
Turns a cerai luma into transparency.
- F_lut
Compute and apply a lookup table to the
RGB/YUV input video.
- F_lut1d
Adjust colors using a 1D LUT.
- F_lut3d
Apply a 3D LUT (lookup table) to an input
video. LUTs are used to map one color space to another and are
frequently supplied with high-end cameras as a .cube file
to use as input.
- F_lutrgb
Compute and apply a lookup table to the
RGB input video.
- F_lutyuv
Combine and apply a lookup table to the
YUV input video.
- F_mandelbrot
Render a Mandelbrot fractal.
- F_mcdeint
Applies motion compensating
- F_median
Pick median pixel from rectangle defined by radius.
- F_mestimate
Generate motion vectors.
- F_monochrome
Convert video to gray using custom color filter.
- F_mpdecimate
Remove near-duplicate frames.
- F_mptestsrc
Generate various test pattern.
- F_negate
Negates input video.
- F_nlmeans
Non-local means denoiser. Example usage
is for recovery of VHS tapes which look bad.
- F_noise
Adds noise to the video. Through the
settings you can select the variables of the noise (strength, flag
and seed).
- F_normalize
Normalize RGB video.
- F_oscilloscope
2D video oscilloscope. Useful to
measure spatial impulse, step responses, and chroma delays.
- F_owdenoise
Denoises using wavelets.
- F_pad
Add paddings to the input image, and place
the original input at the provided x, y coordinates.
- F_pal100bars
Generate PAL 100% color bars.
- F_pal75bars
Generate PAL 75% color bars.
- F_perms
Set permissions for the output video frame.
- F_perspective
Corrects the perspective of video.
- F_phase
Phases shift fields.
- F_photosensitivity
Filter out photosensitive epilepsy seizure-inducing flashes.
- F_pixscope
Pixel data analysis for checking color and levels. It will display sample values of color channels.
- F_pixelize
Apply pixelization to video stream.
- F_pp
Filters video using libpostproc.
- F_pp7
Applies Postprocessing 7 filter.
- F_prewitt
Apply prewitt operator.
- F_pseudocolor
Make pseudocolored video frames.
- F_readeia608
Read EIA-608 Closed Caption
codes from input video & write to frame metadata.
- F_readvitc
Reads vertical interval timecode and
writes it to frame metadata.
- F_realtime
Slows down filtering to match realtime.
- F_removegrain
Removes grain.
- F_repeatfields
Hard repeat fields based on MPEG
repeat field flag.
- F_rgbtestsrc
Generate RGB test pattern.
- F_roberts
Apply roberts cross operator which
performs a simple/quick 2D spatial gradient measurement on the
video (usually a grayscale image). It highlights regions of high
spatial frequency which most ikely correspond to edges.
- F_rotate
Rotates the input image by an arbitrary angle expressed in radians. If you want to rotate
by degrees, you can use the rotate plugin instead.
- F_sab
Applies shape adaptive blur.
- F_scale
Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format.
- F_scdet
Detect video scene change.
- F_scharr
Apply scharr operator to input video stream.
- F_scroll
Scroll input video horizontally and/or vertically by constant speed.
- F_separatefields
Split input video frames into
- F_setparams
Force field, or color property for the
output video frame.
- F_setrange
Force color range for the output video
- F_shear
Shear transform the input image.
- F_showpalette
Display frame palette.
- F_shuffleframes
Shuffles video frames.
- F_shufflepixels
Shuffles video pixels.
- F_shuffleplanes
Shuffles video planes.
- F_sierpinski
Generate a Sierpinski carpet/triangle fractal, and randomly pan around.
- F_signalstats
Separates statistics from video analysis.
- F_siti
Calculate Spatial Info (SI) and Temporal Info (TI) scores for a video, as defined in ITU-T P.910: Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications.
- F_smartblur
Blurs the input video without impacting
the outlines. Through the settings you can select the radius, the
strength and the threshold of luma and chroma. This plugin can be used to correct
over sharpened footage. For example, on a DJI 3840x2160 D-cinelike footage using
these settings:
- luma radius: 3.247993
- luma strength: 0.360153
- luma threshold: -2
the over-sharpened edges will be smoothed. All other settings are at default values.
- F_smptebars
Generate SMPTE color bars.
- F_smptehdbars
Generate SMPTE HD color bars.
- F_sobel
Applies sobel operator.
- F_spp
Applies a simple post processing filter.
- F_stereo3d
Converts video stereoscopic 3D view.
- F_super2xsai
Scales the input by 2x using the
Super2xSal pixel art algorithm.
- F_swaprect
Swaps 2 rectangular objects in video.
- F_swapuv
Swaps U and V components.
- F_tblend
Blend successive frames.
- F_testsrc
Generate test pattern.
- F_testsrc2
Generate another test pattern.
- F_thistogram
Compute and draw a color distribution histogram for the input video across time.
- F_tile
Tile several successive frames together.
- F_tinterlace
Performs temporal field interlacing.
- F_tlut2
Compute and apply a lookup table from 2
successive frames.
- F_tmedian
Pick median pixels from successive frames.
- F_tmidequalizer
Apply Temporal Midway Equalization.
- F_tmix
Mix successive video frames.
- F_transpose
Transposes input video.
- F_unsharp
Sharpen or blur the input videlo.
- F_untile
Untile a frame into a sequence of frames.
- F_uspp
Applies Ultra Simple/Slow Post-processing
- F_v360
Convert 360 videos between various formats.
- F_vaguedenoiser
Applies a Wavelet based Denoiser.
- F_vectorscope
Video vectorscope.
- F_vflip
Flips the input video vertically.
- F_vfrdet
Variable frame rate detect filter.
- F_vibrance
Boost or alter saturation.
- F_vignette
Makes or reverses a vignette
effect. Through the settings you can set the circle center position
on a X - Yaxis,choose the angle, the aspect and set the dithering
of the vignette.
- F_w3dif
Applies Martin Weston three field
- F_waveform
Video waveform monitor.
- F_weave
Weaves input video fields into frames.
- F_xbr
Scales the input using xBR algorithm.
- F_yadif
Deinterlaces the input image.
- F_yaepblur
Yet another edge preserving blur filter.
- F_yuvtestsrc
Generate YUV test pattern.
- F_zoompan
Applies Zoom & Pan effect.
- 18
- credit to WPfilmmaker
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021