MPEG utility programs

There are 2 utility programs that come in handy when dealing with DVD media for creating or reading previously written DVDs.


convert closed captioning data to subtitle data.

This program can be used to scan captured broadcast data streams and convert the closed captioning text data into subtitle track data. The result can be used to add subtitles to DVDs created from the captured media using the text collected from the closed captioning.


./zmpeg3cc2txt  [-c cc_service ]  [-s start:length, ...]  [ -t track ]  [-v verbose ] [-w wdw mask ]  [-x file.xml ]  [-o file.udvd ]  file.ts

cc_service = closed caption service id
start:length = start:length frames (comma separated list)
track = video track number
verbose = verbose level
wdw mask = bit mask for windows (-1 = all)
file.xml = filename for edl xml format subtitle data
file.udvd = filename for udvd format subtitle data
file.ts = filename for transport stream

To use this program, the input file must be a transport stream (broadcast video) which contains closed captioning services. The service id defaults to one, and the default video track is zero. Either -o or -x must be specified to indicate the output file format desired. If the output file name is a '-' then stdout is selected as the output file. For example:

zmpeg3cc2txt -o - /dvb_data/channel5.ts


check DVD ifo file for usable features.

For some time, DVD manufacturers have been employing a variety of measures to make reading a DVD difficult on a computer. One technique which is widely deployed is to add a bunch of extra program data, so that correct playback is only likely if you can read the DVD virtual machine data and decode a maze of program data to find the undamaged stream definitions. Only a few streams are created which are machine usable, and dozens are created as decoy streams. The decoy streams fail or introduce errors. This program scans the IFO (info file) playlists and verifies the contents of the stream that does not contain obvious damage. The result is a list of program ids which can be entered into the playback preferences to select a program which qualifies.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021