In CINELERRA-GG all the virtual mediafiles loaded in the Resources window are collected in the Media folder without any kind of organization and sorting other than alphabetical. The Media folder is considered a master folder because it is the basis for every other new folder we create. Another master folder is Clips, and in fact we can create new clips folders as well. If we do editing of large projects containing numerous mediafiles, a rational and selective organization of the source material becomes necessary. In fact, having the sources organized in folders, where they can be found and used easily, makes subsequent editing much faster, as well as minimizing confusion and the possibility of errors. This step, which is fundamental in the pro environment, is called Logging and also includes screening individual mediafiles in the Viewer window; renaming them rationally; and adding labels and descriptions in the metadata.
We start by creating one or more new folders (MediaUserBin). These will be empty and we should populate them with the mediafiles contained in the master Media folder. There are two options: manual Drag and Drop or automatic populating by setting filters (Smart Bins).
Let's look in detail at all the options of Modify Folder.
When you bring up the Modify folder window, if you already have files in that folder, you will see filters that were generated automatically when you did a Drag and Drop. See figure 2.29.
If you click on the Value portion of that filter when it contains filenames that were dragged over, the entire set of files that are covered by the filter rules pops up. Now you can highlight a target filename that you would like to remove, and just erase that line and check the green checkmark for OK in that window plus OK in the "Modify folder" window (or click Apply there).
To delete the entire set of files listed on the filter rule, highlight the rule line and hit the Del button.
To add a new filter rule, click on the Add button which will automatically add a default line after any current lines. The default line will be a line that matches everything in the master Media folder which is Or Patterns Matches *. Click the right mouse button on the current field underneath the column header to see the choices available for each column.
Modifications will not be in effect until you click on the green arrow OK button or click on the Apply button. But once you hit Apply, clicking on the red X button will not undo your changes. The filter/search rules are applied in the order listed in the Modify folder window. You can change the order of the filter rules by highlighting the rule you want to move and then drag and drop to a new location.
Information about the columns and rules for the search filters in the Modify folder window follows.
Column headers:
Value — the characteristic you are looking for with expressions that can be written with the following:
inf | = | infinity |
T | = | 1099511627776 |
t | = | 1000000000000 |
G | = | 1073741824 |
g | = | 1000000000 |
M | = | 1048576 |
m | = | 1000000 |
K | = | 1024 |
k | = | 1000 |
Number |
Number+Number |
date | = | year/month |
date | = | year/month/day |
time | = | hour:minute |
time | = | hour:minute:second |
date_time | = | date time |
day | = | #day | #days |
week | = | #week | #weeks |
month | = | #month | #months |
year | = | #year | #years |
delta | = | secs |
delta | = | mins:secs |
delta | = | hours:mins:secs |
Table showing the allowed usage:
target: | eq ge gt ne le lt matches around ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ patterns | <---- strcmp ---------> + filter + nearest file_size | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius mod_time | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius track_type | <---- member test ------+--------+------> width | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius height | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius framerate | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius samplerate | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius channels | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius duration | <---- arithmetic -------+------> + radius |
where in the above, the filter can be:
filter | = | list |
filter | = | token |
list | = | [token] |
list | = | [token]list |
string | = | <chars>|<empty> |
token | = | string |
token | = | string*token |
Examples with some caveats first:
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021