
To configure the render according to your needs and to obtain the desired output, you will need to check on what your settings are for these three items:

  1. Timeline: is the main starting point because, in addition to determining the range of frames that will be rendered, it is on the timeline that plugins and other editing features are applied, which will then be included in the rendered file.
  2. Set Format: is used to configure the fps, aspect ratio and frame size of the project (= output). This can be found in the pulldown: Settings Format... (Shift + F). See: Project and Media Attributes.
  3. Render dialog: this is under: File Render... (Shift + R). It contains all the rendering options that are documented in this chapter.

Rendering takes a section of the timeline, performs all the editing, effects and compositing, and creates a new media file. You can then delete all the source assets, play the rendered file, or bring it back into CINELERRA-GG for more editing. All rendering operations are based on a region of the timeline to be rendered. You need to define this region on the timeline. The rendering functions define the region based on a set of rules. When a region is highlighted or in/out points are set, the affected region is rendered. When no region is highlighted, everything after the insertion point is rendered. By positioning the insertion point at the beginning of a track and unsetting all in/out points, the entire track is rendered. But you also have the choice to render one frame. Reminder, CINELERRA-GG does not do remuxing without rendering - see Transcode.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021