Chapters Overview

Below is listed a brief overview of each chapter to help you to decide which chapters you should pay the most attention to and read more thoroughly. And which chapters are important for beginning to learn to use CINELERRA-GG. At the end of the descriptions is a list of the sections to read for beginners.

Chapter 1

If you just want to get started using the program, you can safely skip this chapter and instead go to: and simply download a pre-built linux version for your Operating System. If you would like to do your own builds so that you always have the latest, refer to this chapter to learn how. But if you are already familiar with doing your own builds, you can just refer to this chapter when you encounter issues.

Chapter 2
Interface (the 4+ Windows).

It is important to understand the window setup in CINELERRA-GG and what each of them is used for. In addition this chapter covers some basic navigation functions that you will need to know. However, if you have used an NLE before and don’t mind experimenting to learn how to execute certain functions, probably there is no need to peruse this chapter.

Chapter 3
Project and Media Attributes.

This chapter is helpful for basic understanding of setting up your session but it can easily be skipped.

Chapter 4
Load, Save, and the EDL.

The EDL is the list of changes that CINELERRA-GG would make to the original media in order to produce the desired output Since this is important to not losing your work, you should read this chapter for some basic usage concepts and for some lesser used functions that may come in handy. Besides how to Load and Save files, there is also information on using raw camera formats. Helpful hints on working with image sequences, such as a bunch of pictures from your camera all loaded at once, is a time saver. Understanding that the EDL is the list of changes that would be made to the original media in order to produce the desired output is key to ensuring that that media remains intact.

Chapter 5

New and occasional users will find it necessary to read this chapter. However, you can decide which editing mode you prefer and concentrate on reading that section. Even seasoned users will want to read this chapter in order to take advantage of features that have been newly implemented or may be less familiar due to infrequent usage. Anyone who wants the editing capabilities that comes with use of the Shuttle Jog Wheel, will initially need to read that section to become familiar with its usage.

Chapter 6
Advanced Editing.

Many tools for the advanced editing: Proxy, Nesting; Trimming; Multi-Cam; Audio/Video sync and Transcoding. CINELERRA-GG offers many possibilities and sophisticated alternatives for editing, but they are complex tools. Here we deepen their knowledge and use.

Chapter 7

Minimally most users will need to read the section on single file rendering to get started; since after all the whole purpose of using an NLE is to create your own media. The end of this chapter includes some helpful specific rendering scenarios which could prove quite useful. You might also want to consider using batch rendering and background rendering for performance reasons. And, of course, render farm usage to take advantage of multiple computers can be a real boost.

Chapter 8

This is a more advanced topic but extremely useful to know. Keyframes are data values that have been associated to media on the timeline that affect the media presentation. You can go for years without knowing all of the nuances but you will most likely have a need to use and understand them sooner or later.

Chapter 9
FFmpeg Interactions.

Skip this chapter if you are just getting started. Skip this chapter if you just want to use common formats that are already set up for you. Experts may want to refer to this chapter in order to set up their own option files.

Chapter 10

Use this chapter as a reference to add an audio or video plugin in order to correct color or add some fancy effect. You will not want to read about each and every plugin, most of which you will never use. On the other hand, going over the section on “some specific details concerning plugins” might come in handy.

Chapter 11
Transition Plugins.

Everyone who does not know about using transitions should read this chapter because you will want to use transitions between cuts in your video for smoothly changing scenes. It is short and easy reading.

Chapter 12
Overlays Modes, Alpha Blending, and Porter Duff.

Experts can really use the information in this chapter to spiff up their editing work through some blending type techniques. A lot of information and possibilities are described here.

Chapter 13
Capturing and Recording Media.

This chapter is helpful in learning how to capture and record media from various sources. A section on using CINELERRA-GG with broadcast TV (NTSC) is especially useful.

Chapter 14
DVD and Bluray Creation.

If this is what you want to do, then read this chapter. In the case of DVD media creation it includes many examples and lots of tips for checking your methods.

Chapter 15

Everyone will want to use this chapter to speed up their editing sessions. Once you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, you will want to know if there is a shortcut. Then look here!

Chapter 16
Configuration, Settings and Preferences.

Refer to this chapter when you want to change some setting or preference. Otherwise if a new user, you should make sure to read the first page which includes some important basic information.

Chapter 17
How some stuff works.

Only read this chapter if you are confused about a specific covered topic and how it works.

Chapter 18
Troubleshooting and Help.

Use this chapter for diagnosing a problem and find out what to report to get the best resolution or help. Context Help, using Alt/h, is explained here.

Chapter 19
Performance and other Tips.

There are a few performance tips in this chapter that may eventually prove useful.

Chapter 20

If you want to help by providing translations for a specific language, there is a complete description of how to do this and what to do.

Chapter 21

Appendix A

Here you go! If you hate to read, just go over the quick start guide or the youtube video creation and simply be on your way.

Appendix B
Developer's Section.

Some extra information that developers may or may not find useful.

Appendix C
Auxiliary Programs.

This is a catch-all for any useful programs that may need to be included, mostly for analysis.

Appendix D
Editing: real-world usage cases.

Our users illustrate in-depth examples of their workflows by showing their editing in real use cases.

In summary, must reads for a new user would be these chapters or sections:

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021