List of Figures

  1. Screencast of the website Download page for installing CINELERRA-GG for various O/S.
  2. Screencast of an Android tablet running CINELERRA-GG using TERMUX.
  3. The four windows (cc-by-sa Olaf)
  4. Patchbay | Timeline with pulldowns, navigation icons, Video/Audio tracks | bottom Zoom Panel
  5. Goto position menu
  6. Insertion point is at 0:00:25:10 in Hr:Mn:Sec:Frames
  7. I-beam + in/out + labels
  8. An example of the Autocolor assets
  9. Window Layouts
  10. Shown are 4 panes that have split in X and Y the main track canvas
  11. Left hand side are the toolbar functions / bottom bar has many control functions
  12. Compositor window zoom slider bar and scroll bars
  13. Note the black outlines showing the safe regions. Also note the Ruler menu
  14. Compositing pipeline
  15. Color3way on Temporary
  16. Camera and Projector tool
  17. Compositing pipeline with mask
  18. Mask options window
  19. Crop menu and outlined crop rectangle on the right side
  20. Viewer Window - the red arrow "Play" button is left of the Videoscope button
  21. Viewer window at the top displaying same 5 seconds as seen in the Resources window thumbnail. At the bottom of the screen is the audio loaded on the timeline.
  22. The mouse cursor, above the green colored 'play forward' transport button, is on the timebar. Further to the right we see the red "indicator line".
  23. A left-facing arrow on the right side of the reddish slider bar is used to drag the bar.
  24. Here you can see the right-facing arrow used to drag the other end of the slider bar. The black area is the actual preview area.
  25. Note the double-headed fat arrow in the black preview area used to move the selection over.
  26. Folders are in the first column with contents of that folder on the right hand side
  27. Info windows with the 'Detail' box
  28. New folder menu
  29. Folder name
  30. The 'master' Media folder
  31. Modify Folder
  32. The available choices for each field. Value field missing.
  33. Note "Full Play" mode and Vicons and Aicons in Media folder
  34. Draw Vicons | Screenshot display various audio file lengths; red is shortest.
  35. The location of the Preview/Draw Icons mode.
  36. Note the line through the mode.
  37. Example of copy file list
  38. Snapshot menu and choices
  39. Grabshot reticle & orange box
  40. Show Overlays window on the left with the Color ball window to the right to set color
  41. Lines are colored here on the timeline as designated in Show Overlays
  42. Original Settings — cool spot
  43. Note Titles box hot spot
  44. Cam/Proj XYZ toggle to fine tune
  45. Sound Level Meters Window
  46. Set Format window - note the Audio Channel positions
  47. New Project dialog window
  48. Screenshots for RAW images
  49. Load file menu. Note the green checkmark for OK and the middle Apply option
  50. Load - Sort by File name, sort by file Size, and within Extension after a previous Size sort
  51. Load windows with various Numeric Sizes
  52. Three example of Probes window
  53. Multiple program streams and Asset Detail
  54. Export Project option popup and the 3 available options.
  55. Timeline editing session
  56. Patchbay
  57. Video Overlay, audio Pan and Nudge.
  58. Gang None: only the video track is master. We see all tracks both master and non-master (default)
  59. Gang Channels: only the video track is master. Let's see the master tracks and the first of the non master tracks
  60. Gang Media: only the video track is master. We only see the master tracks
  61. Blade cut
  62. Inter-View mode: white bar source; red bar timeline
  63. Inter-View mode and the timeline
  64. Edit Length window
  65. Align edits
  66. Selected area for Reverse Edits
  67. Results of the Reverse Edits
  68. Shuffle edits: the edits are permutated
  69. Shown here are 3 Viewer windows and the View in new window popup
  70. ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress
  71. Proxy settings dialog
  72. Once you have an Open EDL, the easiest way to close it.
  73. Default choices for mouse: Ripple for LMB; Roll for MMB; Slip for RMB
  74. The 5 types of Trim: note the different lengths of the results.
  75. J-cut to left and L-cut to right
  76. Split compositor screen showing the result of the Trim feature
  77. Nested clips in Timeline and Resources window
  78. Using Mixer capability in Cin for multiple cameras
  79. A Mixer window showing available options with the white X designating no playing
  80. Mixers... pulldown
  81. Mixer patchbay
  82. Align Mixers window
  83. Aligned mixer window after "Match". Note the Nudge amounts above.
  84. Match setup for aligning by audio. Note that [ ] are set over a sample waveform highlighted selection that includes that.
  85. An audio Match is complete. Note the waveform is aligned.
  86. Before sync
  87. Clapperboard button
  88. After sync
  89. Timecode via MMB on track and via Resources windows/Info
  90. Subtitle window
  91. Subtitles on timeline
  92. Example of the Render menu
  93. Audio and Video tracks automatically checked for Pro file type
  94. Render menu displaying a PNG one frame option
  95. Render & Video Preset menus displaying Pixel choices
  96. Render menu showing where Samples is
  97. Example of the Batch Render menu
  98. New Buttons with Unsafe GUI in batchrender
  99. Batch render with the 4 ghosted buttons on the right side + the Warning message below
  100. Settings Background Rendering
  101. Timeline with the top red bar
  102. Settings: Preferences: Performance tab, menu to set up your Render Farm
  103. Automation Audio Fade menu with tumbler
  104. Fade curve with pink colored box Keyframe and Slider bar
  105. Fade Auto with Always set for easy to see numeric values
  106. Fade Auto with Controls
  107. Ganged Speed Auto on all tracks and Speed auto with orange Slider bar
  108. range from left keyframe to right keyframe
  109. Bump autos creation
  110. Speed autos slider
  111. Keyframe Parameters window for a Color 3 Way plugin added to the video track
  112. The three icons of FF Probe
  113. FFmpeg wrench, video preset, view and format options
  114. FFmpeg wrench, audio preset, view and format options
  115. Screencast of the native Video plugins in the default Cinfinity icon set.
  116. Cinfinity2 audio plugins
  117. Screencast showing the screen to change your plugin icons set
  118. Screencast showing the menu where Editing Effects behavior is changed.
  119. Dragging the Color 3 way effect
  120. Screencast shows 4 Factory presets as preceded by an *.
  121. Effect Info for Color 3 Way
  122. Remove Deinterlace-CV plugin
  123. Screenshot showing on the left hand side the Visibility box with Audio Effects highlighted.
  124. Screenshot showing the Visibility categories of plugins with all toggled on and audio highlighted.
  125. Down facing triangle, Right facing triangle = expander; "-" = options
  126. GUI of configuration for Chorus plugin
  127. GUI of configuration for Compressor plugin
  128. GUI of configuration for Compressor Multi plugin
  129. Graphic Equalizer audio plugin
  130. EQ Parametric audio plugin
  131. The 3 dials of Echo plugin
  132. GUI for EchoCancel with crosshair and mode set to ON
  133. GUI of configuration for Flanger plugin
  134. GUI of configuration for Reverb plugin
  135. GUI for Synthesizer
  136. GUI of configuration for Tremolo plugin
  137. Reload plugin index in yellow and Auto start lv2 gui unchecked
  138. Screencast of simple text interface in the middle of the screen for a Calf LV2 plugin
  139. Screencast with a Calf plugin glitzy window that appears when clicking the simple interface UI button.
  140. Blend Algebra and Blend Program GUI
  141. File Selection window
  142. Screencast showing the BlueBanana plugin control
  143. How it works Brightness and Contrast
  144. C41 - Control window and compositor window in action
  145. Chroma Key control window
  146. Windows config for Chroma Key (Avid/HSV)
  147. Various parameters in the 'Color' and 'Key Parameters' sections.
  148. Windows config for Chroma Key (HSV)
  149. Color 3 Way control window
  150. ColorSpace control window
  151. three active point created in CriKey
  152. The screenshot shows the compositor with some default settings in the controls window.
  153. same screenshot with moving Threshold
  154. Crop tool and Crop & Position plugin compared
  155. DeScratch control window
  156. Various parameters of DeScratch
  157. Original video with scratch; Option Mark selected and Final video
  158. Pulldown menu
  159. Control window of the DeNoise plugin
  160. Difference key and its problematic output
  161. settting Maximun to 0.6900
  162. Setting Maximun to 0.6100 and Gamma to 0.3300
  163. Control window and split screen
  164. Master Histogram and RGB Histogram
  165. Histogram Bezier / Curves
  166. Gain Up/Down; clamp; S-Shaped curve and Luma Key
  167. Holographic messages in CinGG!
  168. For clarity of presentation only 2 fields are shown
  169. Possible combinations with both Horizontal and Vertical checked
  170. Motion51 plugin window with its default options set.
  171. Motion plugin GUI
  172. perspective control window
  173. Clockwise: Nearest; Linear; OpenGL and Cubic
  174. Bad Misaligned color and after color aligned
  175. For clarity of presentation only 2 fields are shown
  176. Rumbler control window
  177. Control window and Inkscape
  178. Many parameters of scale ratio
  179. STA control window
  180. Sketcher control window and sketch on Compositor
  181. GUI for Time Average
  182. Temporal bands for Timefront
  183. GUI of the Title plugin
  184. Pulldown Attributes
  185. Final result of the exemple
  186. Screencast showing the Color Picker menu.
  187. Kerning in action
  188. Gui for Tracer plugin
  189. Rug in the top picture is traced in order to black it out or replace later
  190. GUI of the Videoscope. You see Histogram, RGB Parade and Vectorscope
  191. Pull-down Settings
  192. Colortest 75% with Waveform RGB (left) and Waveform (right)
  193. Examples of waveform (with crosshair and the coordinates' box), waveform RGB and waveform Ply
  194. Vectorscope (with H/S pop-up box) and VectorWheel (with 3 default grids)
  195. Balancing a yellow color cast
  196. Before and after YUVShift adjusting
  197. For clarity of presentation only 3 fields are shown
  198. Mandelbrot Cuda plugin
  199. N_Body Cuda plugin
  200. Timeline; control window and compositor for FindObj
  201. FlowObj; GaborObj (before and after) and PuzzleObj
  202. Pulldown of Stylize mode on the original image
  203. Clockwise: Edge Smooth and Recursive; Detail Enhance; Stylization; Color and Pencil Sketch
  204. GUI for FFmpeg plugins
  205. Resources window displaying the Video Transitions.
  206. GUI for Wipe transition
  207. Example of the Shape Wipe -> Star
  208. Patchbay pulldown with Porter Duff and Graphic Art overlays expanded
  209. Normal and Arithmetic overlays
  210. Porter Duff overlays
  211. Logical overlays
  212. Graphic Art overlays
  213. Normal and Arithmetic overlays
  214. Logical overlays
  215. Graphic Art overlays
  216. Offset source videos to illustrate Porter Duff overlays
  217. Porter Duff overlays
  218. Actual Recording Session - note the bright green boundary box and the big arrow cursor within the "Video In" window
  219. Recording window with typical settings
  220. new feature V4L2 mpeg
  221. Example of the Recording settings
  222. Clockwise: Channels window; Video In (behind); Recording and Scan confirm
  223. Scanning in progress (31%)
  224. Channels Info window with many TV channels buttons
  225. Recording in real-time a TV news report
  226. Realtime TOC check red button
  227. Dual screen - initial view on the left monitor and showing part of the right monitor with 2 terminal windows
  228. Dual screen - CINELERRA-GG and desktop on different screens
  229. Dual screen - CINELERRA-GG compositor on second monitor
  230. Dual screen - CINELERRA-GG compositor on second monitor in full screen mode
  231. Ati-x10 Remote
  232. Interface tab shows Android Remote Control
  233. A Smart Phone with Android Remote Control
  234. Example of the Preferences menu with the Recording tab highlighted
  235. Example of the Recording, Video In, and Channels, along with the Add option, menus.
  236. Recording menu and Video In screen while capturing media. Note the Transport stop option.
  237. Recording setup for EasyCap device
  238. Two possible capture devices using USB
  239. When choose PAL, values get changed in window to reflect PAL
  240. BD Render and DVD Render
  241. check Deinterlace; Histogram and Resize Tracks
  242. Batch render for DVD creation
  243. Batch render for BD creation
  244. Video options for bluray yuv422p
  245. Video options for bluray yuv422p10
  246. Title menu for DVD/BD
  247. Choose NTSC or PAL for DVD creation
  248. Set Scale Ratio to Cropped
  249. Scale Ratio plugin
  250. Better scale on compositor
  251. Error in Batch Render
  252. Settings of default Preferences with the Appearance tab selected
  253. Multi-screen Playback example useful for watching CINELERRA-GG run on the big screen
  254. Index file setup for your preferred configuration for Render Farm sharing or anything
  255. Shows the Cakewalk theme (courtesy Olaf) on Preferences window with list of themes
  256. Default warning when you click on FF icon in main window
  257. "Default" mode with red cursors
  258. "Always show next frame" mode with white cursors
  259. Color space and Color range
  260. Some windows used to manipulate Shell Commands scripts
  261. Render menu setup to encode using GPU with vaapi
  262. Use Audio Render effect to set render parameter values and then that effect can be varied.
  263. Using the Compressor plugin graph to create a ringtone
  264. Clockwise: Viewer; Compositor; Resources and Main/Program/Timeline
  265. Load media window – note the icons top right for more options
  266. Format menu to change settings
  267. Effect blue bar with magnifier
  268. Menu pulldowns at the top with Transport buttons below. Note the colored tooltips too.
  269. From left to right: Audio 1 is disarmed – BandSlide transition in Video 1 – A highlighted section.
  270. Compositor + Title menu for setting parameters + the Color Picker.
  271. Color settings (Settings Format / Settings Preferences)
  272. Exact match
  273. "Giraffe" artifacts on 2 files spaced differently
  274. three clips modified with OpenEDL
  275. a new clip for each subject: Barcelona and Lisbon
  276. Barcelona clip: 2 video tracks and 4 audio tracks
  277. Barcelona clip: 2 video tracks to 1 video track
  278. two new nested clips: Barcelona and Lisbon
  279. Barcelona and Lisbon nested clips on timeline
  280. camera 3 footage between Barcelona and Lisbon nested clips
  281. completion of the work
  282. Setting effects

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021