- Screencast of the website Download page for installing CINELERRA-GG for various O/S.
- Screencast of an Android tablet running CINELERRA-GG using TERMUX.
- The four windows (cc-by-sa Olaf)
- Patchbay | Timeline with pulldowns, navigation icons, Video/Audio tracks | bottom Zoom Panel
- Goto position menu
- Insertion point is at 0:00:25:10 in Hr:Mn:Sec:Frames
- I-beam + in/out + labels
- An example of the Autocolor assets
- Window Layouts
- Shown are 4 panes that have split in X and Y the main track canvas
- Left hand side are the toolbar functions / bottom bar has many control functions
- Compositor window zoom slider bar and scroll bars
- Note the black outlines showing the safe regions. Also note the Ruler menu
- Compositing pipeline
- Color3way on Temporary
- Camera and Projector tool
- Compositing pipeline with mask
- Mask options window
- Crop menu and outlined crop rectangle on the right side
- Viewer Window - the red arrow "Play" button is left of the Videoscope button
- Viewer window at the top displaying same 5 seconds as seen in the Resources window thumbnail. At the bottom of the screen is the audio loaded on the timeline.
- The mouse cursor, above the green colored 'play forward' transport button, is on the timebar. Further to the right we see the red "indicator line".
- A left-facing arrow on the right side of the reddish slider bar is used to drag the bar.
- Here you can see the right-facing arrow used to drag the other end of the slider bar. The black area is the actual preview area.
- Note the double-headed fat arrow in the black preview area used to move the selection over.
- Folders are in the first column with contents of that folder on the right hand side
- Info windows with the 'Detail' box
- New folder menu
- Folder name
- The 'master' Media folder
- Modify Folder
- The available choices for each field. Value field missing.
- Note "Full Play" mode and Vicons and Aicons in Media folder
- Draw Vicons | Screenshot display various audio file lengths; red is shortest.
- The location of the Preview/Draw Icons mode.
- Note the line through the mode.
- Example of copy file list
- Snapshot menu and choices
- Grabshot reticle & orange box
- Show Overlays window on the left with the Color ball window to the right to set color
- Lines are colored here on the timeline as designated in Show Overlays
- Original Settings — cool spot
- Note Titles box hot spot
- Cam/Proj XYZ toggle to fine tune
- Sound Level Meters Window
- Set Format window - note the Audio Channel positions
- New Project dialog window
- Screenshots for RAW images
- Load file menu. Note the green checkmark for OK and the middle Apply option
- Load - Sort by File name, sort by file Size, and within Extension after a previous Size sort
- Load windows with various Numeric Sizes
- Three example of Probes window
- Multiple program streams and Asset Detail
- Export Project option popup and the 3 available options.
- Timeline editing session
- Patchbay
- Video Overlay, audio Pan and Nudge.
- Gang None: only the video track is master. We see all tracks both master and non-master (default)
- Gang Channels: only the video track is master. Let's see the master tracks and the first of the non master tracks
- Gang Media: only the video track is master. We only see the master tracks
- Blade cut
- Inter-View mode: white bar
→source; red
- Inter-View mode and the timeline
- Edit Length window
- Align edits
- Selected area for Reverse Edits
- Results of the Reverse Edits
- Shuffle edits: the edits are permutated
- Shown here are 3 Viewer windows and the View in new window popup
- ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress
- Proxy settings dialog
- Once you have an Open EDL, the easiest way to close it.
- Default choices for mouse: Ripple for LMB; Roll
for MMB; Slip for RMB
- The 5 types of Trim: note the different lengths of the results.
- J-cut to left and L-cut to right
- Split compositor screen showing the result of the Trim feature
- Nested clips in Timeline and Resources window
- Using Mixer capability in Cin for multiple cameras
- A Mixer window showing available options with the white X designating no playing
- Mixers... pulldown
- Mixer patchbay
- Align Mixers window
- Aligned mixer window after "Match". Note the Nudge amounts above.
- Match setup for aligning by audio. Note that [ ] are set over a sample waveform highlighted selection that includes that.
- An audio Match is complete. Note the waveform is aligned.
- Before sync
- Clapperboard button
- After sync
- Timecode via MMB on track and via Resources windows/Info
- Subtitle window
- Subtitles on timeline
- Example of the Render menu
- Audio and Video tracks automatically checked for Pro file
- Render menu displaying a PNG one frame option
- Render & Video Preset menus displaying Pixel choices
- Render menu showing where Samples is
- Example of the Batch Render menu
- New Buttons with Unsafe GUI in batchrender
- Batch render with the 4 ghosted buttons on the right side
+ the Warning message below
- Settings Background Rendering
- Timeline with the top red bar
- Settings: Preferences: Performance tab, menu
to set up your Render Farm
- Automation Audio Fade menu with tumbler
- Fade curve with pink colored box Keyframe and Slider bar
- Fade Auto with Always set for easy to see numeric values
- Fade Auto with Controls
- Ganged Speed Auto on all tracks and Speed auto with orange Slider bar
- range from left keyframe to right keyframe
- Bump autos creation
- Speed autos slider
- Keyframe Parameters window for a Color 3 Way plugin added to the video track
- The three icons of FF Probe
- FFmpeg wrench, video preset, view and format options
- FFmpeg wrench, audio preset, view and format options
- Screencast of the native Video plugins in the default Cinfinity icon set.
- Cinfinity2 audio plugins
- Screencast showing the screen to change your plugin icons set
- Screencast showing the menu where Editing Effects behavior is changed.
- Dragging the Color 3 way effect
- Screencast shows 4 Factory presets as preceded by an *.
- Effect Info for Color 3 Way
- Remove Deinterlace-CV plugin
- Screenshot showing on the left hand side the Visibility box with Audio Effects highlighted.
- Screenshot showing the Visibility categories of plugins with all toggled on and audio highlighted.
- Down facing triangle, Right facing triangle = expander; "-" = options
- GUI of configuration for Chorus plugin
- GUI of configuration for Compressor plugin
- GUI of configuration for Compressor Multi plugin
- Graphic Equalizer audio plugin
- EQ Parametric audio plugin
- The 3 dials of Echo plugin
- GUI for EchoCancel with crosshair and mode set to ON
- GUI of configuration for Flanger plugin
- GUI of configuration for Reverb plugin
- GUI for Synthesizer
- GUI of configuration for Tremolo plugin
- Reload plugin index in yellow and Auto start lv2 gui unchecked
- Screencast of simple text interface in the middle of the screen for a Calf LV2 plugin
- Screencast with a Calf plugin glitzy window that appears when clicking the simple interface UI button.
- Blend Algebra and Blend Program GUI
- File Selection window
- Screencast showing the BlueBanana plugin control
- How it works Brightness and Contrast
- C41 - Control window and compositor window in action
- Chroma Key control window
- Windows config for Chroma Key (Avid/HSV)
- Various parameters in the 'Color' and 'Key Parameters' sections.
- Windows config for Chroma Key (HSV)
- Color 3 Way control window
- ColorSpace control window
- three active point created in CriKey
- The screenshot shows the compositor with some default settings in the controls window.
- same screenshot with moving Threshold
- Crop tool and Crop & Position plugin compared
- DeScratch control window
- Various parameters of DeScratch
- Original video with scratch; Option Mark selected and Final video
- Pulldown menu
- Control window of the DeNoise plugin
- Difference key and its problematic output
- settting Maximun to 0.6900
- Setting Maximun to 0.6100 and Gamma to 0.3300
- Control window and split screen
- Master Histogram and RGB Histogram
- Histogram Bezier / Curves
- Gain Up/Down; clamp; S-Shaped curve and Luma Key
- Holographic messages in CinGG!
- For clarity of presentation only 2 fields are shown
- Possible combinations with both Horizontal and Vertical checked
- Motion51 plugin window with its default options set.
- Motion plugin GUI
- perspective control window
- Clockwise: Nearest; Linear; OpenGL and Cubic
- Bad Misaligned color and after color aligned
- For clarity of presentation only 2 fields are shown
- Rumbler control window
- Control window and Inkscape
- Many parameters of scale ratio
- STA control window
- Sketcher control window and sketch on Compositor
- GUI for Time Average
- Temporal bands for Timefront
- GUI of the Title plugin
- Pulldown Attributes
- Final result of the exemple
- Screencast showing the Color Picker menu.
- Kerning in action
- Gui for Tracer plugin
- Rug in the top picture is traced in order to black it out or replace later
- GUI of the Videoscope. You see Histogram, RGB Parade and Vectorscope
- Pull-down Settings
- Colortest 75% with Waveform RGB (left) and Waveform (right)
- Examples of waveform (with crosshair and the coordinates' box), waveform RGB and waveform Ply
- Vectorscope (with H/S pop-up box) and VectorWheel (with 3 default grids)
- Balancing a yellow color cast
- Before and after YUVShift adjusting
- For clarity of presentation only 3 fields are shown
- Mandelbrot Cuda plugin
- N_Body Cuda plugin
- Timeline; control window and compositor for FindObj
- FlowObj; GaborObj (before and after) and PuzzleObj
- Pulldown of Stylize mode on the original image
- Clockwise: Edge Smooth and Recursive; Detail Enhance; Stylization; Color and Pencil Sketch
- GUI for FFmpeg plugins
- Resources window displaying the Video Transitions.
- GUI for Wipe transition
- Example of the Shape Wipe -> Star
- Patchbay pulldown with Porter Duff and Graphic Art overlays expanded
- Normal and Arithmetic overlays
- Porter Duff overlays
- Logical overlays
- Graphic Art overlays
- Normal and Arithmetic overlays
- Logical overlays
- Graphic Art overlays
- Offset source videos to illustrate Porter Duff overlays
- Porter Duff overlays
- Actual Recording Session - note the bright green boundary box and the big arrow cursor
within the "Video In" window
- Recording window with typical settings
- new feature V4L2 mpeg
- Example of the Recording settings
- Clockwise: Channels window; Video In (behind); Recording and Scan confirm
- Scanning in progress (31%)
- Channels Info window with many TV channels buttons
- Recording in real-time a TV news report
- Realtime TOC check red button
- Dual screen - initial view on the left monitor and showing part of the right monitor with 2 terminal windows
- Dual screen - CINELERRA-GG and desktop on different screens
- Dual screen - CINELERRA-GG compositor on second monitor
- Dual screen - CINELERRA-GG compositor on second monitor in full screen mode
- Ati-x10 Remote
- Interface tab shows Android Remote Control
- A Smart Phone with Android Remote Control
- Example of the Preferences menu with the Recording tab highlighted
- Example of the Recording, Video In, and Channels, along with the Add option, menus.
- Recording menu and Video In screen while capturing media. Note the Transport stop option.
- Recording setup for EasyCap device
- Two possible capture devices using USB
- When choose PAL, values get changed in window to reflect PAL
- BD Render and DVD Render
- check Deinterlace; Histogram and Resize Tracks
- Batch render for DVD creation
- Batch render for BD creation
- Video options for bluray yuv422p
- Video options for bluray yuv422p10
- Title menu for DVD/BD
- Choose NTSC or PAL for DVD creation
- Set Scale Ratio to Cropped
- Scale Ratio plugin
- Better scale on compositor
- Error in Batch Render
- Settings of default Preferences with the Appearance tab selected
- Multi-screen Playback example useful for watching CINELERRA-GG run on the big screen
- Index file setup for your preferred configuration for Render Farm sharing or anything
- Shows the Cakewalk theme (courtesy Olaf) on Preferences window with list of themes
- Default warning when you click on FF icon in main window
- "Default" mode with red cursors
- "Always show next frame" mode with white cursors
- Color space and Color range
- Some windows used to manipulate Shell Commands scripts
- Render menu setup to encode using GPU with vaapi
- Use Audio
→Render effect to set render parameter values and then that effect can be varied.
- Using the Compressor plugin graph to create a ringtone
- Clockwise: Viewer; Compositor; Resources and Main/Program/Timeline
- Load media window – note the icons top right for more options
- Format menu to change settings
- Effect blue bar with magnifier
- Menu pulldowns at the top with Transport buttons below. Note the colored tooltips too.
- From left to right: Audio 1 is disarmed – BandSlide transition in Video 1 – A highlighted section.
- Compositor + Title menu for setting parameters + the Color Picker.
- Color settings (Settings
→ Format / Settings
→ Preferences)
- Exact match
- "Giraffe" artifacts on 2 files spaced differently
- three clips modified with OpenEDL
- a new clip for each subject: Barcelona and Lisbon
- Barcelona clip: 2 video tracks and 4 audio tracks
- Barcelona clip: 2 video tracks to 1 video track
- two new nested clips: Barcelona and Lisbon
- Barcelona and Lisbon nested clips on timeline
- camera 3 footage between Barcelona and Lisbon nested clips
- completion of the work
- Setting effects
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021